Support Provided


A support service is made available to all the Lighthouse Hostel residents. The support element of your accommodation is funded by Supporting People (Northern Ireland Housing Executive).


Residents are expected, both by the Housing Executive and Lighthouse management, to avail of this service and to contribute in the development of their individual support plans.


Support comes under the definition of assisting someone who requires additional help.


The amount of support provided to each resident will vary as we treat every person as an individual with different needs and abilities.


Assistance is given to each resident to promote independence in general life skills, e.g. money management, personal hygiene and good housekeeping skills.


Assistance in dealing with external bodies, e.g. Probation, DHSS, Housing Executive, Social Workers, Jobs and Benefits office, Doctor etc. Promotion of social skills, e.g. job interviews, communication skills etc.


General counsel and support.


Support Planning and Reviews


· You will be allocated two key workers, a primary and a secondary who will work with you on a 1-1 basis to address your support needs. 


· All support needs are decided by applying SMART objectives (see below) using a person centred approach, "Person Centred Planning discovers and acts on what is important to a person. It is a process for continual listening and learning, focusing on what is important to someone now and in the future, and acting on this in alliance with their family and outside agencies".  


SMART Objectives: -

Specific – Objectives should specify what you want to achieve.

Measurable – You should be able to measure whether you are meeting the objectives or not.

Achievable - Are the objectives you set, achievable and attainable?

Realistic – Can you realistically achieve the objectives with the resources you have?

Time – When do you want to achieve the set objectives?






Planning your Move On


  • Resettlement will be addressed with each resident at the beginning of your support process. Staff will ensure that you are registered with the Housing Executive, with appropriate areas of choice and the correct points awarded.
  • You will complete an exit strategy checklist which lists actions to be completed with your key worker throughout your stay; it is broken down in to timeframes to ensure there is continued, structured development of the skills required to maintain independent living. 


Weekly Support Meetings


· You will meet weekly to discuss your progress and plan future actions to be undertaken for you to achieve your goals.




· Reviews of support plans, needs assessments and risk assessments will be agreed on an individual basis.  These will reflect the levels of risk posed by the assessment or the priority of the action that has been agreed.  If you feel that your support needs have changed or you have achieved your goals you can request a review at any time. 


Risk Assessment/Risk Management


· Throughout your stay you will conduct various risk assessments along with your key worker. Risk assessments will not deter you from achieving your goals but will aid you to make more informed decisions.


Involvement of Family/Friends/Advocates or Other Support Agencies


· You have the right to have family, friends, advocates and other support agencies involved in your support process.  Your key worker will discuss this with you.  If you feel at any time you would like their involvement you can ask your key worker.

· Please note that with your permission your key worker will contact any other support services you are working with such as Social Services, C.A.T. etc. to discuss your support plans to ensure there is a consistent approach to aid your development.

· The Lighthouse recognises that we are unable to provide resolutions to all issues that a resident may have, therefore we work in collaboration with external agencies to ensure that a holistic service is provided.  


Access To Files


·             Your file will be stored in the Support Supervisors office and you can access it at any time.  To access it please ask a member of staff who will sit with you while you read through it.  Only support staff and management have access to these files as they are stored in a locked filing cabinet.  For more information please see the Data Protection Policy.